Benefits of Regular Heart Checkup in Sikar

Benefits of Regular Heart Checkup in Sikar

A heart Checkup is one of those things that we people don’t take seriously until it turns to be critical. If you will not visit a cardiologist regularly and not done heart tests, then how do you know which risk factors you have? Regular heart checkups and right heart tests will detect risk factors in their earliest stages. Before taking a heart checkup in Sikar, Rajasthan; let’s know its importance, benefits, and everything about it.

You shouldn’t skip cardiovascular screening ad heart tests because they offers you a healthy heart and life.

What Happens During the Heart Health Checkup?

First, when you visit a cardiologist or any heart center nearby. Your cardiologist will take a thorough examination where he/she will talk about your health condition. Then, your cardiologist recommends screening heart tests according to your examination. The test will determine your cardiovascular health and risk factors.

The tests that your heart doctor suggests you will include your heart and blood vessels that will help them to know the risk factors you may have or will have in the future.


Hence, a heart checkup in Sikar will include:

  • Bloood Pressure Checkup
  • Blood cholesterol Checkup
  • Diabetes Checkup, to know your sugar level
  • Weight and Obesity Checkup
  • Lifestyle habits that you should change
  • Medical history Checkup
  • Family Heart Health Examination

Your cardiologist will also tell you which screenings you should get and how often you should get them.

Symptoms that you need to tell your cardiologist while regular heart chekup:

Never hesitate to tell your problems to your cardiologist during the heart checkup, even if the symptoms giving you little or no discomfort. You should tell your doctor that you are experiencing it.

Here, are some signs or symptoms of heart disease that you should tell your doctor; if you are experiencing it;

  • Chest pain or discomfort
  • Fluttering in your chest
  • Fast/ slow heartbeat
  • Problem while breathing
  • Dizziness
  • Fatigue
  • Swelling in your feet or abdomen

Additional heart tests during Heart Health Checkup

If your cardiologist detects something during the heart checkup that tells you may have heart disease. Then he/she may ask you to take one or more of the following tests;

  • Electrocardiography (ECG, EKG). Small, sticky electrodes are applied to your chest and attached to a special machine, known an ECG machine. This machine records your heart’s electrical activity and provides information about your heart rate and rhythm.
  • Exercise cardiac stress test. Electrodes are applied to your chest and attached to an ECG machine. Then you’re asked to walk or run on a treadmill, or pedal on a stationary bike, while a healthcare professional assesses your heart’s response to physical stress.
  • Echocardiography A healthcare professional uses an ultrasound machine to create moving images of your heart to see if you have problems with the pumping function of your heart, and to assess your heart valves. Sometimes, they may do this before and after you’ve exercised or taken certain medications to learn how your heart responds to stress.
  • Coronary angiography. A small tube, or catheter, is inserted into your groin or arm and threaded through an artery to your heart. Contrast dye is injected through the catheter while a healthcare professional takes X-ray pictures of your heart, allowing them to see if your coronary arteries are narrowed or blocked.

If you receive a diagnosis of heart disease, your doctor may recommend a combination of lifestyle changes, medications, or other heart treatments to manage it.

Looking for the Heart Checkup in Sikar?

If you’re looking to get your heart checkup in Sikar? You may visit Dr. Subhash Dukiya heart Centre in Sikar anytime. Here, we have the best cardiologist and the team for heart patients’ needs. You may feel free to contact us at 9887-35-35-85 or walk directly to our clinic in Sikar during working hours.

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